This is my very first post as I embark on this blog journey of mine!!!!
As embarrassing as it may be to admit, it has taken me months to finally gather my fortitude and establish this site. Not that I am at all one to put things off but...... the saying goes, "Perfection is the mother or all procrastination." I do however believe that much of that "down time" was me gaining confidence and gathering my footing; taking it upon myself to learn basic programming and creating an artistic outlet that best represents my soul & spirit.
I will be the first to admit of being a complete novice to the blogging society, however, I am one for taking chances, especially to better one's self and pursue self-expression passionately. I was once told, "Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it, the time will pass you by anyway." at the end of the day, if I don't make a dime from blogging, even after all the generous amount of nights invested on Pinterest with "blogging tips" in the search engine, so be it! I hope to truly connect with the world in a way that will captivate and inspire, even if my audience is minute.
Below are ideas of some awe-inspiring topics, I hope to incorporate in the sunshinelab
Food for thought!!! Varying in content all meant to be comical, uplifting & inspiring, yet packed with the opportunity for all to laugh at my expense :)
DIY Crafts/ Hacks / & How To's follow me through my minimalistic "attempts" and evolving styles as I embark on projects around the house and find hacks along the way that make you ashamed you didn't think of yourself! haha
"Girl Talk" of course!! I'm here to spread kindness like wildfire. Doing all I can to put out uplifting & inspirational content that is real and relatable. Through my own vulnerability and full transparency, I will share my struggles, trails and lessons learned. My hopes are to share my journey as I rise and lift those around me as I chase my dreams fearlessly. :)
SunshineLab Photography Join my journey as a free lance photographer. I hope to share tricks and tips of the trade and provide a page for my clients, post sneak peeks, share pricing information, and send my thanks to those who choose me to capture their memories in the moment.. This portion of my page will be under construction continuously as i build a revolving portfolio that will come with experience.